Few monuments in the world evoke the same sense of awe, mystery, and enduring fascination as Stonehenge, the ancient circle of megalithic stones rising from the Salisbury Plain in Wiltshire, England. Long the subject of scholarly debate, spiritual reverence, and popular curiosity, Stonehenge continu
The authenticity of the Donation began to be seriously questioned during the Renaissance, particularly by Lorenzo Valla, an Italian humanist and priest, in the 15th century. In his famous work "De falso credita et ementita Constantini donatione declamatio" ("Discourse on the Forgery o
Content of the Donation
The Donation of Constantine is a lengthy Latin text, which contains several key elements:
Acknowledgment of Papal Supremacy: Constantine acknowledges the Pope as the highest religious authority on Earth.
Imperial Gifts: The Emperor grants vast territories,
The Donation of Constantine is one of the most famous and controversial documents in the history of the Christian Church and medieval Europe. For centuries, it was regarded as the legal foundation of the Papacy's temporal power, providing justification for the Pope’s author